outsmarts us yet again. And found some more holes in drone technology. President
Heller survived because Chloe and Jack have seen Speed. Chloe hacked the feed
from the drone of death, recorded a bit of its view of PH, then fed it back to
the DOD in a continuous loop. Somehow in those few seconds PH must have dashed
to cover while Mummy took the helm, fired, watched the DOD Confirm
Target’s Destruction, take a breath, and bask/gloat/realize that once you reach the
mountaintop you are left with only figuring out what’s left/keep her word to
that liar PH and start dropping drones in the Thames.
Seeing that
PH is alive, I’m wondering where this plan found the time to cover his dash,
how Mummy and Sonny didn’t notice the loop sooner (it’s a jet drone, not a helo
drone that can stay relatively stationary like a video cam on a bus’s interior),
and how DOD software decides whether the target is destroyed. But you might
recall from last week that I willingly suspend my disbelief for this show.
Because Sonny
keeps watching the video of the live PH (why is it still looping? Did he “Record
that” thinking flying a DOD is like playing X-Box?), he picks up on the ruse,
Mummy and he save one DOD before it kerplunks, and he goes looking for PH—the
same way Chloe does, by hacking the video that blankets London. He loses no time finding the right Wembley cam, and there,
not 5 min ago, is well-lit PH getting in a car.
Never piss
off a terrorist—and get caught. Especially one with a mad on for you personally
(is she really a terrorist if it’s a personal vendetta? Seems like her maniacal
focus on PH has jeopardized “everything we’ve been working for,” which has been
her consistent rallying cry. She points the DOD towards Waterloo Station as her
last shot to make innocents pay for being innocent. Somehow she’ll get sympathizers
with her that PH is so bad that she had to make innocents pay—that borders on
religion. Yeah, I know, terrorists recruit that way every day in the real
world, so it looks like I need to rethink the scope of my willing suspension of
disbelief. Or the scope of George Hull’s vision.
Jack heads
off in helo to find Mummy with the rest of the governmental principals watching
the DOD’s flight trying to figure out where it’s going. Jack is kind enough to
call them to tell them PH is OK. PM is happy. Audrey is happier (“I wasn’t
ready to lose him yet. Thank you, Jack!” How nice of the writers to keep PH
around till she is ready. The real world doesn’t wait.). It’s a good thing Jack
was thoughtful enough to call because he stuffed PH in limo with his toady,
ordered to maintain cell silence. PH quickly orders toady to break it, and
toady says he’s not American so he doesn’t have to obey—as if he needed a reason
other than Jack’s the boss. Also good nobody thinks Jack’s a murdering
terrorist anymore.
Jack falls
back on Chloe to help him pinpoint Mummy. Chloe somehow does—oh, yeah, by
falling back on Julian Jr. Jack sends Kate into an ambush there, as Mummy
figured she ought to be ready for some extracurriculars and sent her troops out
to stand ready. Kate and her goon-friend from way back at 11am hide behind
their vehicle, shoot a bit, some with effect, don’t get shot, and wait for
backup. Backup comes, Kate asks GF for a grenade, then yells, “hey,
watch this!” which in
CIA field lingo comes out as, “Cover me!” I don’t know what happened to the
grenade, but all the good guys survived, Jack landed the helo on the right
rooftop, shot a baddie or 2, Chloe told her what floor Mummy was on, Jack
unwired the HBO feed and body-rapped down (ignoring proper form
, which is
only slightly less painful than hitting ground) in time for Sonny to see him
and shoot. But Jack’s too fast, jumping to the side, then back just as Sonny
went to the window to see what he shot, leading to defenestration number 1.
Jumping Jack fenestrates and shoots Mummy; Chloe tells him to manually override
the missile that’s just launched towards Waterloo; he figures it out like he’s
a born hacker, which is good because it was 30s to target, and while hugging
Mummy’s still twitching body, he steers it into the Thames. Mummy’s
disappointed but still tries to get in the last word: “The hundreds of dead
today are on your head.” Jack doesn’t let her gloat for long or have the last
word, replying, “Nuh-uh, the only dead on my head is you.” Defenestration
number 2.

Jack collects
the override box, and takes it to CIA with the crew. There, CSCS has a problem:
Kate’s police contact has found Kate’s dead friend and the dead assassin that
CSCS sent. Won’t be long before dead assassin implicates CSCS (especially w/
Jack now curious as only he can be)! CSCS calls Julian Jr. who says he’ll help
CSCS escape in exchange for the override box. Jack conveniently brings in the
box, inconveniently hands it over to a Defense personnel who discovers it can
control any defense system in the world! So that’s what the rest of this day is
about—did the developer realize how powerful it is? I don’t know, but JJ sure
did! Making us wonder why he helped Jack as much as he did.
With CSCS and
Jack looking over Defense’s shoulders, CSCS is trying to figure out how to get
his hands on that box! Oh, the suspense builds!! Oh, if only there were a
diversion!!! Just then, we learn again that without coincidence there is no
story as Audrey calls to thank Jack AGAIN, and Jack takes it privately.
CSCS uses the old choke hold on Defense and absconds with the box. Jack gets
another call, this time from his contact who connected the dots to CSCS. And
the chase is on.
Which brings
us to the end of this hour.
Except we see
the singularly disturbing image of Chloe kissing someone. Someone many already
suspected, especially after seeing his thinly veiled distaste, nay, could it be
jealousy, for Jack. Chloe kissing JJ, with her face screwing up into the pout
of distaste only she can bring to that role. Ugh, I can’t wait till the next
hour to get that taste, that image out of my head!
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