Renee is BACK!!!! And hoooo, she's better and badder than ever. Gone is the whimpering, simpering, I can't get unshackled from the bounds of the Bureau even when that manly, "I'm always sure I'm right 'cause I am" Jack (no need for a last name) Bauer is near. No, none of that anymore. Jack's soft. Jack wants to quit the biz and be an out-to-pasture grandpa in LA. Nope, not for her. She might be all messed up in the head, sour on the government, sour on the Bureau, but give her a shot at going back undercover on a moment's notice into perhaps the toughest environment in the world to do it (the Russian mob), and she doesn't flinch a freckle. And just to show how the tables are turned, there's Jack all "Don't let her do it, Director. I'm worried about her," because he really cares about her (even after she didn't return his couple of phone calls, which she apologized for). And here I was worried 'cause I hate undercover plots--I get so caught up with caring about the characters, so nervous that they'll slip up. Why else write a plot like that--they've gotta slip up. But nooo, this Renee is all over it, and she proves it at the end of tonight's continuation of the season premier (if a premier can last for 2 nights, I wonder if every episode will be a continuation of the season premier). She goes so far that Jack is shocked and flamboozled. Then again, we've seen this scene at least 2 times already--season finale three or four years ago, and mid season two years ago. I guess that's part of everything being right with the world, we're finally getting back to familiar ground.
Like intrigue up and down the chain in CTU (nice that there's a real CTU nowadays; the proxy CTU last year didn't really work for me). The LBD intrigue just makes me mad. I kinda like the blond. She started out all curvy and short-skirted and sure of herself and better than Chloe at her job and at the Director's right hand on top of everything in a nice way. But now we see she's really all whimpering and simpering when the abusive felon she used to have a fling for tracks her down after getting out of the pokey. Him making the maneuvering moves on her again? And her being so shaken up by his phone calls that she bolts from CTU in the middle of the start of this day? Doesn't she know it's gonna be a long day? And how could CTU have hired someone with this kind of baggage? That's blatantly unbelievable! Just one more way everything's right with the world.
Like Jack shooting the would-be assassin just as LBD's fiance doesn't fall for assassin's threat (call and say everything's OK or I'll kill you) but calls and says he's with the assassin. But it was nice that was the biggest role for Jack's gun tonight. Actually, not a lot of guns this time 'round. Assassin tried to blow up the president with a man-hole cover. Nice and creative, but seems a bit chancy to me--gotta make sure the car goes over the cover at just the right time.
And Jack got tasered, twice for good measure, then beat up by a police officer, when he was caught red-handed at a cop-killing (don't worry, the assassin did it, and Jack was just there at the wrong time). Come to think of it, assassin probably wouldn't have left cop and wife dead there the way he did, but maybe he counted on the cops not figuring it out as fast as Jack did (more of what's right with the world--Jack figures it out immediately). So, old-time cop who tasered Jack did it twice so he'd be out long enough for him to take him downstairs and beat him silly (good thing Jack was out cold for that!). Old-timer is gonna feed Jack good old fashioned NYPD justice for being a cop killer. Young cop is not so sure, and after Jack comes to his senses and beats up old cop, young cop tells both of them to stop it or he'll tell Mom--they do, and he tells Mom anyway, and somehow decides Jack's the good guy here, so he gets his gun back and they drive off into the now sunset NY night to save the president at the UN. You got that? I guess that catches you up for the 1st hour.
The rest of what's going on? So far just a run-of-the-mill selling nucular (oops, I think Jack said it that way, and I hear you cringe, even if you weren't watching) warhead U235 to the highest bidder. Now we know the plot that's supposed to take us 1/3 to 1/2 through the season, but that seems pretty thin to hang my hat on. Which worries me--now we're down to a bunch of short 60 min (minus the 23 min of commercials) each week. That's not much time to develop the deeper conspiracies. This one just might not hold my attention to mid-season! Now, there's some suspense!!Like intrigue up and down the chain in CTU (nice that there's a real CTU nowadays; the proxy CTU last year didn't really work for me). The LBD intrigue just makes me mad. I kinda like the blond. She started out all curvy and short-skirted and sure of herself and better than Chloe at her job and at the Director's right hand on top of everything in a nice way. But now we see she's really all whimpering and simpering when the abusive felon she used to have a fling for tracks her down after getting out of the pokey. Him making the maneuvering moves on her again? And her being so shaken up by his phone calls that she bolts from CTU in the middle of the start of this day? Doesn't she know it's gonna be a long day? And how could CTU have hired someone with this kind of baggage? That's blatantly unbelievable! Just one more way everything's right with the world.
Like Jack shooting the would-be assassin just as LBD's fiance doesn't fall for assassin's threat (call and say everything's OK or I'll kill you) but calls and says he's with the assassin. But it was nice that was the biggest role for Jack's gun tonight. Actually, not a lot of guns this time 'round. Assassin tried to blow up the president with a man-hole cover. Nice and creative, but seems a bit chancy to me--gotta make sure the car goes over the cover at just the right time.
And Jack got tasered, twice for good measure, then beat up by a police officer, when he was caught red-handed at a cop-killing (don't worry, the assassin did it, and Jack was just there at the wrong time). Come to think of it, assassin probably wouldn't have left cop and wife dead there the way he did, but maybe he counted on the cops not figuring it out as fast as Jack did (more of what's right with the world--Jack figures it out immediately). So, old-time cop who tasered Jack did it twice so he'd be out long enough for him to take him downstairs and beat him silly (good thing Jack was out cold for that!). Old-timer is gonna feed Jack good old fashioned NYPD justice for being a cop killer. Young cop is not so sure, and after Jack comes to his senses and beats up old cop, young cop tells both of them to stop it or he'll tell Mom--they do, and he tells Mom anyway, and somehow decides Jack's the good guy here, so he gets his gun back and they drive off into the now sunset NY night to save the president at the UN. You got that? I guess that catches you up for the 1st hour.
With Renee back, does that mean we get Tony back, too? Or at least find out what happened to him? The writers are so fabulous at cleaning up these loose ends with just one simple question and a one sentence answer--Chloe is back at CTU because hubby lost his job and they need the money. That's the way to write! Have the characters admit the unbelievable plot twist needed to get you there and move on! If they're OK with, I guess I should be, too. Sphere: Related Content
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