Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The best they can do?

Kiefer calls this season the culmination.  We've been told it's the last TV season (rumors of a movie).  So we're up to the last 6 hours, which in seasons of yore has meant the last mystery, the last conspiracy resolved.  So this one should be the biggest and the best.  We've already had a covert private security firm trying to take over the country (last season) and a conniving weasely, seemingly weak president turning out to be the ultimate traitor (Logan).  This season, being the last, should top all of those. 

And we're left with a Russian conspiracy because these Russians don't want peace?  Jack thumbs his nose when Dana says she's in it for the money.  And these Russians are better?  These Russians are worthy of ending Jack's TV career?  I don't think so!

And I'm not sure it makes sense, but I guess those crafty Russians are counting on the season being so interesting that I've forgotten how it started out.  OK, so now perhaps we know they were behind the first attempt on Islamic pres's life--attack of the manhole cover.  1st, did they really think it would fail?  If not, why else would their contingency (I'm guessing a bit here, but the Russian mob brokering the deal is a bit ironic/coincidental--you decide) have been to sell the opposition U235?  And they wanted their man in the resistance to get the U235 so he could threaten the US in order to get the Islamic pres that should have already been assassinated?  Doesn't seem that they need U235 to make that work.  And were they really ready and willing to watch a chunk of NYC go up to achieve their ends?  Man, is this ever an exercise in spaghetti logic.

So, I'm just gonna pretend I didn't pay attention to the first 2/3 of the season.  Which is exactly what I figure you have to do to truly enjoy this show.  Even though the series seems like it has continuity, it's really just a series of hour long, mostly self-contained stories.

What really ticks me off is how the show wrote off Renee.  OK, all the loves of Jack's life have to die.  But for a character as great and competent as Renee to be offed by a sniper?  Jack won't go that way.  Jack won't go unless it's in a blaze of glory or making the ultimate sacrifice for a greater good (the needs of the many).  Or not caving to terrorist demands.  Nope, Renee doesn't deserve what she got--sniper shot after sex, while Jack is getting her a glass of water.  Then Jack gets to be heroic, carrying her out while under fire from the sniper (tough shot, so I'm not surprised sniper missed him while he was moving fast).  So unfair.  But it is Jack's show, after all. Sphere: Related Content

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